Privacy on Celo
Explore how privacy and zkps are used in the Celo ecosystem with our first “Privacy on Celo” event’ brought to you by Zero Knowledge Validator.
We will be exploring different use cases for zkps through talks and fireside discussions with members of the community.
We will cover the theme of Plumo and Plonk, how to get private transactions and potentially private DEXs deployed in the ecosystem and more.
Our Speakers:
Anna Rose- Zero Knowledge Podcast and Zero Knowledge Validator
Marek Olszewski- co-founder and CTO of cLabs
Luke Pearson- Research Partner at Polychain capital
Victor Graf- an engineer, and member of the Celo community.
Kobi Gurkan- head of research in Geometry and works on cryptography on Celo.
Andrew Vaziri - technical lead in GiveDirectly's Innovation Team.
17:30 Intro by ZKV team
17:40 Fireside on Privacy with Marek Olszewski and Anna Rose
18:00 Oblivious PRF with Victor Graf
18:20 PLUMO for PLONK: leveraging flexible proving systems for creative protocols with Luke Pearson
18:40 Plumo with Kobi Gurkan
19:00 Poverty Alleviation, Digital Payments, and Fraud with Andrew Vaziri
19:10 End
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