Your Breakout Book Conference
By Kaye Publicity
Welcome to the first Your Breakout Book Virtual Conference! Now, you can learn how to successfully publish, market, and publicize your book!
This one-day conference includes sessions with four industry professionals, as well as integration sessions so you can create plans to put everything you've learned into practice.
10:00am ET / 7:00am PT: Welcome session with Dana Kaye
10:30am ET / 7:30am PT: Ask an Agent with Barbara Poelle, VP at the Irene Goodman Literary Agency and author of FUNNY YOU SHOULD ASK
11:45am ET / 8:45am PT: The State of Self-Publishing with Jane Friedman, author of THE BUSINESS OF BEING A WRITER and co-creator of The Hot Sheet.
1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT: Integration session with Dana Kaye
2:00pm ET / 11:00am PT: Guide to Author Websites with Daniel Berkowitz of AuthorPop
3:15pm ET / 12:15pm PT: Influence on Instagram with Megan Prokott of @The_Spines
4:30pm ET / 1:30pm PT: Closing session with Dana Kaye
Each session will be a moderated by Dana Kaye with an opportunity for participants to ask questions. There will be a 15-minute break in between each session, as well as a 30-minute break after the integration session with Dana Kaye. Session replays will be available indefinitely, though there will be some prizes and bonuses for those who attend live.
hosted by
Kaye Publicity