A Reading & Conversation with Roberto Lovato

UCR Tomás Rivera Conference

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A Reading & Conversation with Roberto Lovato

By UCR Tomás Rivera Conference

ROBERTO LOVATO'S Unforgetting (Harper Collins) is hailed by the NY Times as a “groundbreaking memoir.” Lovato is an educator, journalist and writer based at The Writers Grotto in San Francisco. As a Co-Founder of #DignidadLiteraria, he helped build a movement advocating for equity & literary justice for the more than 60 million Latinx persons left off of bookshelves in the U.S. and out of the national dialogue. A recipient of a reporting grant from the Pulitzer Center, Lovato has reported on numerous issues—violence, terrorism, the drug war and the refugee crisis—from around the hemisphere and the world.

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UCR Tomás Rivera Conference


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