What's On Autostraddle's Gay Agenda? Your Questions Answered!
By Autostraddle
The Autostraddle team answers your questions!
Ask (ahead of time using this handy form) about the business model, the vision, the mission, what’s next, granular questions about anything.
The whole thing will be recorded for replay which will be available IMMEDIATELY at the same URL. The event will also be transcribed and the transcription made available at a slightly later date. Thank you!
On the fence about contributing to the fundraiser? An A+ member since 2014? Longtime, in-depth reader or occasional monthly parachuter? We welcome questions from all of you!
Fill out the form to submit your question to be answered live by the team. We can’t answer all of your questions, but we’ll do our best to answer questions that are echoed or repeated and also questions that will make good points for more nuanced, live discussion among the team.
XOXO Team Autostraddle
hosted by