The Jobs market 2022 - What's in store and how to drive success

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The Jobs market 2022 - What's in store and how to drive success

By firefishsoftware

Do you want to know what the jobs market will look like in 2022?
Then tune in to the Firefish Crowdcast as Wendy is joined by special guest and Economist from Deloitte Peter Ireson. They will be looking ahead to 2022 by discussing the following topics and more:
  • What have been the key drivers for change in the labour market.
  • How does the UK economy and Job market measure up world-wide?
  • How has work/life balance influenced the candidate landscape?
  • What to look out for in 2022 to get ahead.
You'll get the chance to ask questions too!
Peter Ireson is an economist in Deloitte’s Economics and Markets Research Team. The team advise the firm and its clients on macroeconomic conditions and the operating environment for businesses. They produce the quarterly Deloitte CFO Survey, the authoritative barometer of corporate sentiment and strategies in the UK. In addition to this, they publish an eclectic weekly Monday Briefing on developments in economics and finance. Peter previously worked within Risk Advisory at Deloitte prior to joining the Economics team and was educated at the University of Bristol.

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