We Are What's Next: A People's Action Post-Midterm Livestream

People's Action

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We Are What's Next: A People's Action Post-Midterm Livestream

By People's Action

Join People's Action Movement Politics, and some of our newly elected champions to talk about what we won in the midterm elections, what's next in Washington, D.C. and in state legislatures, and what you can do to help win hearts, minds and votes as we build a multiracial democracy that works for all of us!
Special guests include Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, Illinois State Senator Robert Peters, Pennsylvania State Representative Sara Innamorato, New Hampshire State Representative-Elect Jodi Newell, Citizen Action of Wisconsin Executive Director Robert Kraig, People's Action Executive Director Sulma Arias, Movement Politics Deputy Director Marta Popadiak, special musical guests, and more!

hosted by

People's Action


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