7th Annual WIN Awards hosted by the Women’s Infrastructure Network
By The Council
The Women’s Infrastructure Network is pleased to invite you to the 7th Annual WIN Awards virtual event to announce the winners of the Emerging Leader and Outstanding Leader awards and to celebrate all the nominees of the 2021 WIN Awards program. We have an exciting program planned with a mix of live speakers and video presentations.
Come join us to celebrate the achievements of women across infrastructure as we hear a welcome greeting from the Honourable Minister Maryam Monsef, Canada’s Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Rural Economic Development and from our keynote speaker, Margaret Catley-Carlson, Officer of the Order of Canada, former Chair of the World Economic Forum Global Advisory Council on Water and former Patron of the Global Water Partnership, a working partnership formed by the World Bank.
A sincere thank you to the WIN Awards sponsors that are instrumental to the success of the WIN Awards program.
A special thank you to WIN’s In-Kind Sponsor CCPPP that has kindly provided the Crowdcast platform for this event.
We look forward to having you join us for this exciting event.
hosted by

The Council