Relevant Property Regime (Part 2)
By Utmost Wealth Solutions
In our second Utmost Technical Academy, Steve Sayer, Technical Sales Manager, will continue his exploration of the relevant property regime.
This will include a review of the March 2021 Budget and its impact on Family Investment Companies, GIAs and Investment Bonds
Join Steve to find out more.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the session, delegates will be able to
- Understand why the order of gifts is so important to minimise future principal charges
- Understand and compare the benefits of Family Investment Companies and Investment Bonds
- Discuss and explain this subject with a client in a clear and concise way
- Apply this knowledge to appropriate, individual, client scenarios.
The event will conclude with a Q&A session, when Steve will be joined by Simon Martin, Head of UK Technical Services and John Albon, Taxation and Trusts Specialist.
hosted by

Utmost Wealth Solutions