Use Tekton and OpenShift operators to automate application deployment

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Use Tekton and OpenShift operators to automate application deployment

By IBM Developer

🌟 Overview
Tekton is an open-source project that provides a Kubernetes-native way to declare continuous integration/continuous deployment-style pipelines. In this Webinar, we show you how we used Tekton to reduce application deployment time from 45 minutes of clicking around and configuring down to 15 minutes and a few commands. We speed up the installation of Tekton itself by means of the Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines Operator that is available from the OperaterHub in clusters of version 4.1 and greater.
🎓 What will you learn?
🔥Install Tekton on OpenShift .
🔥Use Tekton to declare and use CI/CD pipelines.
👩‍💻 Who should attend?
All Developers interested in CI/CD pipelines and Microservices are welcome to attend the webinar!
👩‍🏫 Prerequisites
☁ Register for a free IBM Cloud Account:
☁ Register for the live stream and access the replay
🎙️ Speaker
Karim Deif, IBM Client Advocate
Mostafa Abdelaleem, IBM Developer Advocate

hosted by

IBM Developer

IBM Developer


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