How To Turn Instagram Into A Profit Machine

Kaye Publicity

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How To Turn Instagram Into A Profit Machine

By Kaye Publicity

Instagram is quickly becoming one of the most powerful social media tools for expanding your reach and growing your business. But how can you leverage the platform to reach thousands of clients and customers, without spending hundreds of hours or spending thousands of dollars?
Enter Kelsey Chapman, a business coach and Instagram strategist who is dedicated to helping others accomplish their dreams.
Two years ago Kelsey began her blogging journey and knew she needed to pick one social media platform and thoroughly learn the inner-workings of it. After experimenting with the various platforms at hand, she landed on Instagram and never looked back.
Through storytelling on Instagram, she captured the hearts of over 50k followers and used this space to communicate her message and build a business she loves.
It didn’t take long for word to spread and Kelsey began working with brands across the globe to help leverage Instagram for their business as well. She has worked with over 200 clients one-one-one and hundreds of students in helping them to take their Instagram game to the next level.
In this free webinar, she will team up with Brand Strategist, Dana Kaye to teach the #1 way to expand your reach, build trust, and in turn, drive sales. This live training session will be followed by an interactive Q&A.

hosted by

Kaye Publicity


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