Thomas Homer-Dixon: Commanding Hope

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Thomas Homer-Dixon: Commanding Hope

By TPLCulture

In Thomas Homer-Dixon's long-awaited, and especially timely new book, Commanding Hope, he calls on his extraordinary knowledge of complexity science, of how societies work and can evolve, and of our capacity to handle threats, to show that we can shift human civilization onto a decisively new path if we mobilize our minds, spirits, imaginations and collective values.
Thomas Homer-Dixon is Director of the Center for the Study of Peace and Conflict at the University of Toronto, and Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Toronto. His books include The Ingenuity Gap , Environment, Scarcity, and Violence as well as, Ecoviolence: Links among Environment, Population, and Security.
Thomas Homer-Dixon is appearing in conversation with the Literary Review of Canada's editor-in-chief, Kyle Wyatt.
For more about the author, click here:
Thomas Homer-Dixon
Kyle Wyatt

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