Katie Mack: The End of Everything (Astrophysically Speaking)
By TPLCulture
In elegant and humorous prose which makes her book highly engaging and readable, theoretical astrophysicist, Dr Katie Mack, makes clear almost immediately where her story will end: with the end. Of Everything. It’s not a plot twist that’s wholly unexpected, but there’s more: fire. That’s going to be the element that is finally our grand undoing (the “we” is rhetorical - human life will long have been extinguished), white hot fire from the swollen sun like nothing we can imagine. In this clever, wide-ranging book that starts with the quest to understand the meaning of the universe and our own place within it, Dr. Mack looks both backward and forward to tell us how we know what we know about the universe and even how we might know what we will know one day in the future. As she so eloquently puts it, “We are a species poised between an awareness of our ultimate insignificance and an ability to reach far beyond our mundane lives, into the void, to solve the most fundamental mysteries of the cosmos.”
Katie Mack talks with cosmologist and PhD candidate, Sophia Gad-Nasr, about The End of Everything, giving us a front row seat as they guide us towards that great big unknown.
About this event's guests:
Katie Mack
Sophia Gad-Nasr
hosted by
