TheiaCon 2021

Eclipse Foundation

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TheiaCon 2021

By Eclipse Foundation

TheiaCon is a virtual conference focused around the Eclipse Theia IDE ecosystem. It brings together a diverse group of Theia developers, adopters, and other contributors. The program will feature a mix of full-length talks, expert panel discussions and short ”lightning talks” focused on project insider, adopter, and broader ecosystem stories. This event is hosted by the Eclipse Foundation’s Cloud Development Tools Working Groups and is open to anyone interested in learning more about the Theia project.
Theia is a fully open-source, extensible framework that enables the creation of IDE and IDE-like applications, that can be used in either (or both) desktop or cloud environments. It embraces the key features of the VS Code editor and its vast extension library, while offering a platform that is much more flexible, open and customizable.
As is the case for any FOSS project, the future trajectory of Eclipse Theia is in the hands of those who actively take part in it, through contributed code, discussing issues and generally helping to make it better. We invite you to take the first or next step and join us this November, and be part of this planetary premiere event!

hosted by

Eclipse Foundation


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