The PIE Webinar - How to prepare students for higher education and success in the workforce
By The PIE
Join us and our expert panellists for an interesting discussion on student demand around employability and career related learning. We will look at how the IB’s programmes “nurture the skills and attitudes of students so they can excel at their careers of choice and lead meaningful lives”. We will be focusing on both the Diploma Programme as well as its Career-related Programme and how both can pave the way to employment.
We will also hear from educational partners on how they help students to transition to higher education.
Panellists are:
Dr Peter Fidczuk, Development and Recognition Manager, The International Baccalaureate, UK
Dr Eleanor Parker, Head of Learning Development, King's College London, UK
Dr Peter Sewell , Postgraduate Careers Manager, Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster University, UK
Chair - Melissa Palleschi, Sales and Marketing Director, The PIE
Register now to watch live or catch the replay.
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