The PIE Webinar - How Public - Private Partnerships will transform Canadian Higher Education
By The PIE
Canada has surged as a study destination, but what next for this rising star as competitor countries fight back to reclaim market share after the pandemic? In this webinar, we explore how Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) are set to transform Canadian Higher Education and make its offering even more compelling to international students.
In some international study destinations, such as the UK and Australia, public private partnerships are well-established and mature, and a key part of the ecosystem. From initial scepticism, the concept has flourished. In Canada, the concept is still novel and unfamiliar. We will explore Canadian incarnations of PPPs and how they relate to Higher Education. We will ask whether public institutions are open to them, and under what circumstances. And we will discuss whether there genuinely are opportunities for both parties, and if any partnerships can really be symbiotic?
Panellists are:
Cyndi Mcleod, CEO, GUS Canada
Diana Mockute, VP Partnerships, GUS Canada
Sean Coote, VP International, Niagara College Canada
Dr. Holly Catalfamo, Director of Global Engagement, Niagara College Canada – International Division
Chair - Nick Golding, Business Development Director, The PIE
Register now to watch live or catch the replay.
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