The PIE Webinar - Can e-assessment be secure, reliable and student-centric?

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The PIE Webinar - Can e-assessment be secure, reliable and student-centric?

By The PIE

The Covid pandemic disrupted teaching and learning - and traditional assessment approaches among educators.
Institutions were forced to adapt and reconsider how to assess remotely.
What does "Backwards Design" mean?
What do Interactive Exams look like?
How secure can remotely delivered exams be; how enjoyable an experience - and should we use Covid as an opportunity to permanently redesign our approach to testing?
Join this interactive webinar to learn more about design thinking behind digital testing, hearing from assessment experts Inspera, a forward-thinking business schools at Leeds Beckett University in the UK and University of New Mexico's director of the Office of Assessment.
The power of technology to deliver authentic digital assessment environments is a huge opportunity that some institutions have grabbed firmly and others are still exploring. Come along, learn from peers and submit a Question.
Panelists are: Ishan Kolhatkar, General Manager of Inspera UK
Dr. Julie Sanchez, UNM Director of the Office of Assessment
Deveral Capps, Dean of Leeds Law School, Leeds Beckett University
Chair - Amy Baker, The PIE
Register now to watch live or catch the Replay.

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