Stop the Stigma: Ageism

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Stop the Stigma: Ageism

By TPL Programs

Talk #3 of Aging your Way: Creating an Age-Inclusive Canada, Together
Ageism (discrimination based on age) is not only all too common, but also commonly misunderstood. Older people who face ageism are often victims of financial, mental and physical abuse—often by someone close to them. Preventing prejudice of any kind is everyone’s job. Learn how to identify and help prevent ageism in this engaging educational talk.
This session will be moderated by Laura Tamblyn Watts, CEO of CanAge (Canada's National Seniors' Advocacy Organization), featuring Dr. Amanda Grenier, Norman and Honey Schipper Chair in Gerontological Social Work at the University of Toronto and Sandra Cunningham, Producer and founder of Strada Films.
This session is part of Aging your Way: Creating an Age-Inclusive Canada, Together: an educational speaker series brought to you by CanAge and TPL. View the complete series schedule. The program will be presented with live captioning.

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