Spot Challenge for CodeNet - Transformers for Larger Data Sets & Experiences in CodeNet Contest Leaderboard

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Spot Challenge for CodeNet - Transformers for Larger Data Sets & Experiences in CodeNet Contest Leaderboard

By IBM Developer

🎫 The Spot Challenge for CodeNet continues with a session where our data scientists will introduce the very popular transformer neural networks with a detailed walk through of the attention mechanism and it might used for code similarity.
Afterward, we’ll share a demo of the CodeNet contest leaderboard. Bring your questions for discussion by our data scientist researchers as we continue to guide teams participating in the challenge.
🎬 Catch up on previous sessions in this series:
- Introductory to the CodeNet Call for Code Challenge Session
- Setting up your machine for the Challenge Session
- Specialized Topic Session Code Similarity

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IBM Developer

IBM Developer


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