The Season of the Dazzle: Zebras, 100-year-old companies. and sustainability - what does that mean by living for 100 years

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The Season of the Dazzle: Zebras, 100-year-old companies. and sustainability - what does that mean by living for 100 years

By Zebras Unite

The Tokyo Zebras Unite Chapter is hosting an event in collaboration with Season of the Dazzle to discuss mutualism, sustainability, community and social problems. We will discuss these themes which typically zebras relate themselves while we will also include a perspective of Japan, which has the most companies that lives over 100 years in the world. We will have two guest speakers from a start up and a legacy company that has been living for over 100 years
Guest speakers: - Mitsunori Kimura, President: Kimuraya Sohonten.,Ltd. - Hironori Soda, Founder and President, Wellnest Home Inc. Moderator: - Yuji Suyama, Co-lead, Tokyo Zebras Unite
The event will be in Japanese and there will be a live English translator present.
6 PM JST // 11 AM CEST // 2 AM PDT
Thank you to Basecamp and the Center for Cultural Innovation for generously sponsoring the Season of the Dazzle!

hosted by

Zebras Unite

Zebras Unite


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