Continuing Session 3E - Davis - Teen

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Continuing Session 3E - Davis - Teen

By Realm Makers

Teen Track Workshop

The Phoenix Solution – Self Editing to Resurrect Your Manuscript From the Ashes

Instructor: Bryan Davis
Self-editing is both destructive and restorative, like the proverbial grain of wheat that must die to be reborn. In this class, we will learn how to improve our self-editing in a hands-on manner. Conferees will bring their own works-in-progress, and we will go over them line by line, discussing story structure, phrasing, and every detail we can think of as we critique the manuscripts together.
Since it might be scary for some people to subject their work to our critical eyes, you won’t be required to do so. You can participate by offering advice and learning through the critique of others. Yet, for those who do submit their work, they will have a much improved manuscript by the time we’re finished, and we’ll have a lot of fun getting there.

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