Session 13: Responsible Communication of Research
By Digital Science
In an age of fake-news, cynicism and conspiracy theorists, it is more important than ever to carefully consider the communication of research and the channels used. Exaggerated claims and undue reliance on un-peer-reviewed research can undermine crucial messaging while providing 'evidence' that may be used maliciously. Digital Science's tools provide evidence of the context of impact, and the broader impact of research, and this context provides crucial information when understanding and communicating the results of research.
đź“·Lucy Goodchild van Hilten , Freelance Writer, Tell Lucy
Lucy is on a mission to make complex science accessible and engaging. Through Tell Lucy, she works with institutions and scientists to help them find, develop and tell their stories. She helps them communicate more effectively, through writing, editing, translation and training.
Lucy has a BSc in Genetics and Microbiology and an MSc in History of Science, Technology and Medicine. She worked in external relations at the Society for General Microbiology, then joined the press office at Imperial College London. She managed the communications team at the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), then the Life Sciences marketing team at Elsevier. Over the years Lucy has written for (and edited) many publications and hit the headlines with hundreds of press releases; now she writes everything from tweets to books.
You can Lucy online:
· Email: [email protected]
· LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/lucygoodchild
· Twitter: twitter.com/LucyGoodchild
· TikTok: @bookdoctorlucy
đź“·Thaiane Moreira de Oliveira
Thaiane has a PhD in Social Communication and is professor of the Graduate Program in Communication of the Fluminense Federal University. She is also:
- Coordinator of Laboratory of Science, Innovation, Technology and Education (CiteLab).
- Coordinator of the Forum of Journals and Scientific Communication of the Pro-rectory of Research and Innovation at Federal Fluminense University.
- Researcher of National Institute of Science and Technology in Comparative Studies in Conflict Management and at Unesco Chair of Language Policies for Multilinguism.
- Coordinator of LATmetrics Conference - Alternative Metrics and Open Science in Latin America.
đź“·Emily Chenette, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, PLOS ONE
Emily studied biochemistry at Columbia University and went on to earn her PhD in genetics and molecular biology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She then completed postdoctoral research at Duke University, where she analysed gene expression signatures in lung cancer. Emily has always loved scientific writing and left the bench to pursue an editorial career in 2007. Before joining PLOS ONE in 2018, she held editorial positions at Nature Cell Biology and FEBS Journal.
đź“·Mike Taylor, Head of Metrics Development, Digital Science
Before joining Digital Science, Mike spent many years working in Elsevier’s R&D group and in the Metrics and Analytics Team. He works with many community groups, including FORCE11, RDA and NISO, and is well known in the scholarly metrics community. He’s also notorious amongst the Oxford theatrical scene as an actor, producer and director with ElevenOne Theatre. In his spare time he provides the entertainment for many a hen night with the Murder Mystery company, Smoke and Mirrors.
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Digital Science