The Wonderful World of Security Keys and Password Managers

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The Wonderful World of Security Keys and Password Managers

By Bitwarden

REPLAYS - fast forward to 10:00 past the intro music
The Wonderful World of Security Keys and Password Managers
Living in our digital world requires digital protection. Two of the best ways to fortify security include password managers and security keys.
But what are security keys and how can they be used with a password manager?
In this session we will be joined by Conor Patrick, co-founder at SoloKeys.


Opening Q&A for Conor

What are security keys and why should we use them?
How are most people you know using security keys?
What is the approach SoloKeys took that makes it unique?
Tell us about the emerging standards in the market, particularly around FIDO2.
Where does NFC fit into the picture?
Can you explain more how you see the future of open source and security?
Tell us about the current Kickstarter campaign.

Using Security Keys and Password Managers

Two-factor authentication for your password manager with a security key, and security keys
  • Desktop apps
  • Browser extensions
  • Mobile devices
Managing multiple security keys

What’s Ahead

We will talk a bit about the future of security keys and password managers, including open Q&A.

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