Sara Solla's World Wide Neuro Forum
By World Wide Neuro
Neural manifolds for the stable control of movement
Animals perform learned actions with remarkable consistency for years after acquiring a skill. What is the neural correlate of this stability? We explore this question from the perspective of neural populations. Recent work suggests that the building blocks of neural function may be the activation of population-wide activity patterns: neural modes that capture the dominant co-variation patterns of population activity and define a task specific low dimensional neural manifold. The time-dependent activation of the neural modes results in latent dynamics. We hypothesize that the latent dynamics associated with the consistent execution of a behavior need to remain stable, and use an alignment method to establish this stability. Once identified, stable latent dynamics allow for the prediction of various behavioral features via fixed decoder models. We conclude that latent cortical dynamics within the task manifold are the fundamental and stable building blocks underlying consistent behavior
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