Episode 45 | Life Drawing Online with Africa

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Episode 45 | Life Drawing Online with Africa

By alltheyoungnudes

Join us on Monday nights for the OG online life drawing club that is All The Young Nudes! You're all welcome, there is no experience required what-so-ever.
Drop-in, drop-out. You’re not onscreen and no one will hear you slam the door...
Our poses are in HD. Expect excellent music to draw to - these playlists are compiled by Joanna and Pete each week. We’re open to requests! We’ve been creating weekly playlists since 2008 and have archived the lot, just search for us on Spotify to find our soundtracks for your sketching. There is an optional live chat on the side, a little bit of help from your online host Joanna, and every week you'll be presented with a brand new scene and model to get your creative juices flowing.
This is 2 hours of zoning out (together). Bring a glass of wine, host a side-zoom with your pals or a date draw in yer PJs. We do! See you in the virtual drawing room.
For this sketchy night we are giving away 30 free passes for mates/lovers/haters/whoever hasn't been to ATYN online before - share our posts and stories on IG to get the freebies, thanks errybody!
6.45pm - 7pm: Registration, meet-and greet, or just get your stuff ready
7.05pm - Intros with Joanna & our model
7.05pm: First Half Life Drawing (2-5 minute poses, 10 minute poses)
8.00pm: Break/Gallery of Your Work
8.20pm - 9pm: 2nd Half Life Drawing Session (2 x 20 minute poses)
For more information and FAQs visit >> www.atyn.co.uk
We are so honoured and delighted to have a brand new army of online sketchers and patrons supporting what we do here. You are helping turn a freaky and weird time, in to something quite special. We love and are listening to your feedback and will continue to come at you each week, newly improved.
You don't need any experience to join our sessions. We will have live tuition, audio and sketching, for beginners - seasoned sketchers, you know I won't be offended if you mute me. Some of you might be thinking "But I don't have any art materials?!" Printer paper, the back of a letter, or even a napkin will do! (Amazon do a good deal on printer paper...).
Subscribe to our Spotify Playlist - Music To Sketch To - here:
Drawing every week? Check us out on Patreon for discounts, extra tuition and bonus poses >> Patreon.com/alltheyoungnudes
ATYN is a drop-in life drawing session, which means you can sign up any time, any week and draw live with us for £6. You can leave half way through, or you can watch a replay later in the week. It’s all on your time. We are hosting the show here on Crowdcast, and you can sign up and register to draw right here >>
Thanks and see you in there!
Joanna xx

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