Robin Marty, New Handbook for a Post-Roe America

Porter Square Books

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Robin Marty, New Handbook for a Post-Roe America

By Porter Square Books

With the Supreme Court overturning Roe vs. Wade Americans once again find themselves fighting for bodily autonomy and basic human rights. This fight is not new and the long history of activism in support of abortion rights can inform what we do going forward both in terms of making sure people get the healthcare they need now and changing the system so these rights are never threatened again. Activist and writer Robin Marty guides readers through various worst-case scenarios of a post-Roe America, and offers ways to fight back, including: how to acquire financial support, how to use existing networks and create new ones, and how to, when required, work outside existing legal systems. She details how to plan for your own emergencies, how to start organizing now, what to know about self-managed abortion care with pills and/or herbs, and how to avoid surveillance. 20% of all sales at Porter Square Books: Cambridge edition on September 30 from 3PM-7PM will be donated to The Knights and Orchids Society, a group working to . 20% of all sales in the month of September from this list of recommended reading (link to come) will also be donated to TKO.
Robin Marty is the Communications Director for the Yellowhammer Fund, an abortion fund and reproductive justice organization serving Alabama and the surrounding region. A former freelance reporter, she spent a decade tracking abortion restrictions, visiting current and former clinic sites and interviewing activists on both sides of the abortion divide. Marty is also the co-author of the 2019 book "The End of Roe v. Wade: Inside the Right's Plan to Destroy Legal Abortion" with legal analyst Jessica Mason Pieklo. Marty is a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors, a Women's Media Center SheSource expert on reproductive rights, and an IFund investigative reporter for The Nation Institute. Her work can be found in Cosmopolitan, Politico, the Guardian, Time, and other outlets. Marty spent five years as the senior political reporter for Rewire News, a reproductive health and justice news site, where she covered state-based abortion bans and other assaults on reproductive rights. She lives in Minneapolis, MN. About TKO TKO was founded in 2012 by Quentin and Jennine Bell. In 2017, TKO became the first and only AIDS Service Organization (ASO) and STD/STI clinic in the state of Alabama founded and led by Black Trans and LGBQ people. We are community people serving the communities that we represent. Our goal is to help more Black trans, same-gender-loving, and Black queer folks access high-quality primary care and endocrinology services. About Be The Change Be The Change is PSB's civic engagement program to provide the resources to those who want to make change at all levels of government and in society in general. Learn more here.

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