Q & A with Dr. Rhonda Patrick

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Q & A with Dr. Rhonda Patrick

By FoundMyFitness

I'll answer the most popular questions on topics discussed on the podcast like fasting, time-restricted eating, broccoli sprouts and sulforaphane, saturated fat, gut health, my pregnancy diet and routine, mitochondrial health, cancer, Alzheimer's disease... or anything else you want to ask me! You can submit your questions to me by Thursday, October 5th. Crowdcast also allows you to submit questions during the webinar as well! The webinar will be recorded and available to all my patrons.
PATRONS! Get the password to register and submit questions for this event here... https://www.patreon.com/posts/accepting-for-10-14459200 (This event is open to ALL patrons. If you are not yet a patron, you can take advantage by pledging $1 or more and viewing the link above.)

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