Pisces Full Moon Activation

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Pisces Full Moon Activation

By Adrienne Elise

This Full Moon at 28 degrees Pisces speaks to the End Game. We are moving into a new Season, and a New Age. At the end degrees of Pisces this Full Moon is says it’s time to complete the issues of the Piscean Age, so we can finally move forward.
For this Full Moon, Venus is in T-square with big players, Saturn and Uranus. Saturn in Aquarius, square to Uranus in Taurus, is the signature Astrology of 2021, lasting all year. Venus in Scorpio will be in exact square to Saturn leading up to this New Moon, and then coming into opposition with Uranus just after, for the September Equinox.
Saturn square Uranus is about what needs to change in order for us to begin to build in the new energy. Venus in Scorpio completes the puzzle. Truth will reign, and until then, humanity can only pretend to be free.
The Piscean Age was marked by an energy of mystical, spiritual revelation. But this energy was then used to control humanity through religious dogma. This ended up taking traditional religion far away from it’s pure Christ inspired light. We must reclaim our direct connection to the mystical experience of revelation of the Christ, in order to truly move forward in our evolution.
The Piscean Age was a time of revelation, but also persecution of healers and those pure in the Light. Venus in Scorpio feels victimized by the dark attack on the feminine that has gone on for centuries. She has had enough, and is ready to throw off the chains. But true healing cannot occur until the voice of the feminine is heard again.
Nobody has wanted to listen, because it’s been easier to ignore the pain. She has been left alone in the dark long enough. We can’t got forward as long as the sensitive, intuitive feminine part of all of us remains eclipsed and her voice unheard. The world will hear her pure and resonant voice again, in the bell of freedom ringing across the land, from the exposure of dark truths.
Mercury in Libra is slowing down and preparing to take a retrograde on Sept. 27th. This is bringing Mercury into square with Pluto in Capricorn for this Full Moon. We have to back track, in order to get true justice. We are coming up against false authority structures that have kept us from the world we deserve.
Mercury is also in trine to Jupiter for this Full Moon. We are looking to expand harmoniously into the New Age. But first we must have Justice. In order to have Justice, we must have TRUTH. There is no other way.
Mars in Libra will be in trine to the North Node of the Moon in Gemini, and then come into trine with Black Moon Lilith, and Saturn in Aquarius. This potent Air Trine is inviting the winds of change to blow new and inspiring energies in to our world through voice and expression. We are being invited to express ourselves more truly than we ever have before.
The Sun in Virgo is speaking to the healer in all of us who has been cast aside and rejected by our upside down world. This Full Moon is an activation of the planetary healers that have been hiding in the wings. Your role in spiritual service is calling. The time is now to take the stage. It is safe again for you to be seen in your full power and potential. Welcome to your Second Birth.

hosted by

Adrienne Elise


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