Introduction to Red Hat OpenShift Administration

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Introduction to Red Hat OpenShift Administration

By IBM Developer

OpenShift is a containerized application platform that allows enterprises to manage container deployments and scale their applications using Kubernetes.
There are two perspectives on the web console: Developer & Administrator.
As an Administrator, you can manage the cluster, users, projects, and much more!
In this webinar, you will learn the basic concepts of cluster administration, why is it important and how to perform several administration tasks with Red Hat Openshift
🎓 What will you learn?
  • What is OpenShift
  • Developer & Administrator perspectives on the web console
  • Red Hat OpenShift Administrator capabilities
  • A hands-on session showcasing the administrator capabilities on the web console and CLI
  • Log in or sign up for your cloud account at
  • Masa Abushamleh, Developer Advocate at IBM
  • Raghavendra Deshpande, Developer Advocate at IBM
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IBM Developer

IBM Developer


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