Live @ MTM: Kazuaki Tanahashi and Susan O'Leary
By Mystery to Me
About the book
A beautifully curated presentation of the Thousand Character Essay, a masterpiece of Chinese calligraphy that has served as the art form's classic manual for over 1,400 years.
- This translation of the Chinese poem the Thousand Character Essay, a handwriting and literacy primer that has been used in China for centuries, opens up this important text on Chinese brush calligraphy to English speaking readers.
- In addition to the translation of the story, the book includes extensive essays and appendices detailing the history and cultural importance of the poem.
- It also features a complete photographic representation of the Ogawa manuscript of the essay (100 ten-character panels showing both formal and cursive script). This book is the perfect companion to Tanahashi's The Heart of the Brush
About the authors
Kaz is a beloved Buddhist scholar, calligrapher and peace activist. Some of his books are The Heart Sutra, Moon in a Dewdrop, Treasury of the True Dharma Eye: Dogen's Complete Shobogenzo, The Heart of the Brush, Brushmind, and Sky Above, Great Wind: The Life and Poetry of Zen Master Ryokan.
Susan O'Leary is the author of several books, including Breath Taking, a book of poetry on the breath. Part of a team of writers and historians, she received the Independent Press Book of the Year Award for best book in education in 2009, for Wisconsin: Our State, Our Story.
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Mystery to Me