Stamped Community Book Discussion, #3 of 4
By Columbus Metropolitan Library
Columbus Metropolitan Library is hosting this virtual community program as part of #centralohioreads One Book - One Community.
Live chat with panelists from your computer or mobile device. Can’t attend the live stream? Sign up and watch the recording afterwards.
Let's Talk About Race
Community Book Discussion
Tuesday, Jan. 5
3-4 p.m.
Join us for the third of four community book discussions about Stamped by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi.
Central Ohio community leaders will discuss their thoughts and takeaways after reading Stamped and offer reflections on continuing public dialogue around race and racism.
Book Discussion Panelists
Jordan Davis, Director, Smart Columbus
Columbus Partnership
Autumn Glover, Government Affairs & Community Relations
OSU Wexner Medical Center
Colin McGinnis, CEO
South Side Learning Center
Jonathan Moody, CEO
Tia Ramey, Senior Vice President and Chief Digital Strategist
The Saunders Company
One Book - One Community
We’re encouraging all central Ohio families, friends and co-workers to read STAMPED: Racism, Antiracism, and You by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi. This program is designed to cultivate conversations around race and social justice based upon the shared reading experience of the greater Columbus community.
Through the reading of a singular book, the community can reflect together upon the institutional and systemic inequalities that have impacted our community and nation for far too long.
For more events, book club reading guides and additional resources to learn about race and racism visit columbuslibrary.org/one-book.
hosted by

Columbus Metropolitan Library