MiP event: LGBT+ inclusion in the workplace





MiP event: LGBT+ inclusion in the workplace

By MiP Health

Managers in Partnership is holding a webinar on LGBT+ inclusion in the workplace at 12.30 on 3rd September.
It will be Chaired by Anthony Nichols: MIP National Committee and Head of Diversity and Inclusion, NHSE/I North West
  • Lucy Power, Co-chair of UNISON's LGBT+ National Committee
  • Jenny Harvey: UNISON's Health Group Executive and trainer in transgender awareness and inclusion
  • Member of the National NHSE/I LGBT+ staff network (tbc)
  • Jon Restell: Chief Executive of MiP
Managers in Partnership's National Committee started last year a more focused look at equality. We held webinars on Black Lives Matter and Women in the workplace. Obviously, intersectional issues were discussed but the Committee is keen to have a focus on LGBT+ people and issues at work. A broader piece of work has been about changing the culture at work and in talking to our reps and members, this impacts hugely on inclusion, voice and visibility of those from the equality groups. We have launched a booklet on changing the culture and are following it up with a booklet on managing equality and diversity in the autumn. This webinar will inform the booklet, our programme for the Summit and our priorities for 2022.
The webinar is an hour and we have kept it deliberately broad (LGBT+ inclusion at work) so that the panel and members can feel confident about raising all issues whether its personal experience, policies and procedures, the legal framework, wider social issues or want to learn from the panellists' experience of leading on change.

hosted by

MiP Health

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