MinneAMA: How to Nail a Pair Talk

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MinneAMA: How to Nail a Pair Talk

By Minnestar

Laine and Josh pair talk (present content together) whenever possible. They've been doing this for several years, and find it more fun, more engaging for audiences, and significantly easier, in addition to being super helpful for new speakers.
They've figured out what works for them for creating and delivering content as a team, and continue to think it's the best plan in addition to being a ton of fun. Come to their AMA and pick their brains about the why, how, who, and if's of how they pair talk!
About the panelists
Laine Minor is a Senior Application Deployment Solutions Architect at Red Hat. She has been a developer, a technical lead, a stay at home mom, and an IT architect – and that last was a broad enough title that it let her do both technical things AND cultural things. She realized then that that was her most favorite place to be, in that in-between place of technology + culture. She also learned that enabling people and organizations is HARD work, and that explaining that in-between place can help.
Josh Smith is an architect at Red Hat. He has been in IT for 15 years, as a developer, lead dev, tech lead, architect, and enterprise architect. He's worked on big teams, small teams, and been on a team of one. In the process of all of this, he's learned a ton, and he loves to mentor and share that information. He also loves strategy – laying out plans and figuring out dependencies, which order to do things in. Included in this is a deep love of the complicated business + people + culture + tech (especially tech that makes people's lives easier) of IT strategy.

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