Community Member Showcase - Mac Macdonald

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Community Member Showcase - Mac Macdonald

By The Training, Learning, and Development Community

Mac is the founder and MD of LaPD Solutions Ltd (Learning and Performance Development Solutions). LaPD Solutions prides itself on helping organisations bring the best out in their people through Emotional Intelligence based Leadership, Management, Organisational Culture and Organisational Cohesion.
Mac is also the CEO of FLOW, a registered charity which helps people who have been affected by war and other trauma in their lives. FLOW focuses on PTSD.

About Mac

Mac is originally from Scotland but lives in the Jewellery Quarter in Birmingham (UK). Mac is autistic but described as high functioning. This means most people wouldn’t notice, except that his filters are not the same as most people. He is authentic and can be very straight talking, expressing his opinions and thoughts respectfully but honestly.


Mac has been in the world of Learning and Development for over 35 years.
22 years of those were as a Military Training Instructor in the British Army where he specialised in Leadership, Management, Train the Trainer and People skills.
He has a passion for how organisations help their people be the best they can be, and how organisations need to take responsibility for their organisational culture.
He gained his masters in July 2019 on the impact of Emotional Intelligence on Leadership and Management.
He has worked with many organisations including GSK, Lloyds Banking Group, NHS, Aviva, Royal Bank of Scotland, Oxford University, Tesco’s, Virgin Atlantic, Rolls-Royce, BAE Systems, ScS, Police, NHS and many more.


Mac specialises in Emotional Intelligence, Leadership and Management, Train the Trainer, Communication Skills and organisational values and behaviours. LaPD Solution’s adaptable Moccasin Approach® programme helps organisations create a “Team of Teams” environment which aims to remove the fear of speaking out. It does this through authenticity and ES² (Emotional Security & Emotional Safety). This is maintained through a strong values and behaviours programme which creates a collective feeling of ownership through responsibility and accountability.

What drives Mac?

Mac’s biggest driver is his frustration and exasperation at organisational self-harm.
Organisations rarely truly listen to their people and don’t give them an emotionally secure and safe environment. They rarely address their real concerns as they often don’t understand them as they are not experiencing things from where they are.
He believes that organisations and their people are responsible and accountable for a strong positive organisational culture and working environment. But every single person in the organisation is responsible for making this happen.
If it does not happen, ALL people are accountable to each other for the toxicity that the working environment is poisoned by.

hosted by

The Training, Learning, and Development Community

The Training, Learning, and Development Community


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