Managing Anxiety and Uncertainty during Covid-19
By careergasm
Feelin' like a hot mess right about now? Welcome to the club. So many of us are feeling our anxiety spike not only because of the current state of the world and all of the adjustments we're making to deal with Covid-19, but also because there's so much damn uncertainty about how things will unfold in the coming weeks and months.
Join me career coach Sarah Vermunt and clairvoyant Shawn Phelps as we teach you a tool for managing your anxiety and uncertainty right now. We'll teach you how to use it, and Shawn will also do a channelled reading to provide us with information about how we can best navigate our lives during this pandemic.
Sign up and post your question in the Ask a Question tab -- all questions about managing anxiety and uncertainty and how to best deal with things during this stressful time are welcome.
xo Sarah and Shawn
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