Living the F**k Out of Your Chart

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Living the F**k Out of Your Chart

By Britten LaRue

Many of us can vividly recall that “Oh snap!” feeling that we get when we read the first horoscope that really speaks to us. It’s an odd feeling - validating and uncomfortable at the same time. How could someone with zero knowledge about our personality or the particulars of our situation accurately describe our current emotional truth?
It’s also visceral and embodied. The experience of feeling seen by a language often shows up as a soft punch to the gut or a blossoming of the heart space. In that moment, the mind syncs up with the heart and the soul - creating a sense of purpose and connection that contrasts with the habitual dissociation often encouraged in our culture.
Astrology works in paradoxes: while it recognizes our interconnectedness with one another (“How are Pisces so damn deep?”), it also reminds us that we are unique - that we all have our own specialized paths to embody in this lifetime. Astrology is a reminder that we are never fully separate from our environment.
While it’s nice to feel seen and validated through a horoscope or a reading, the promise of our natal chart goes deeper than mere confirmation. It serves as a tool to more deeply remember who we are, to begin the process of unapologetically accepting and showing up in our radiant authenticity.
As a symbolic language, astrology can be slippery. One word (eg. Venus or Taurus) can bring up a whole host of meanings and associations. One placement (eg. Moon in Capricorn) can show up differently for two people based on how that placement interacts with the rest of their chart. And yet, this treachery also holds the key to astrology’s innate power to liberate us from either / or, binaristic framework we’ve been indoctrinated into.
So how can astrology go beyond navel-gazing or stereotyping? How can astrology serve as a tool to more fully live, then transform our day-to-day experiences, rather than run away from them or to ‘transcend’ them?
In short: how can we live the f**k out of our charts?
In my upcoming free webinar with Jonathan Koe, we will share some thoughts around the importance of studying our birth charts in embodying our lived experiences more deeply. We’ll also discuss the radical ways that astrology affirm our true nature and encourage us to nurture our whole selves.
Recording is immediately available for those who can’t join live!
This webinar is a build-up to our upcoming up 7-month journey with astrology: Charting Your Course. Check out the course page if you are ready to go deep with astrology and grow a devoted practice with us. Early Bird bonus registration will be Aug 20-22 and regular registration begins Aug 23. The course begins on Sept 1!

hosted by

Britten LaRue


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