Koi and Goldfish Brush Painting Class

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Koi and Goldfish Brush Painting Class

By Nan Rae Studio

This is a 2-hr live class on painting the Koi and the Goldfish
1 hr 40 minutes (demo)
20 minutes (Q & A)
You'll be receiving a copy of Nan Rae's Koi and Goldfish class handout (PDF) via email when you register. You'll also have the opportunity to submit your work for Nan for critique and join the class's private Facebook group.
All online classes are recorded, so if you can't make it to the live class, you can still sign-up and watch the replay of the class, which will be available a few minutes right after class. This also means that students that signed up for the class and joined live can watch the whole class again anytime!
Supplies you'll be needing:
Paper towel
Best Detail or Happy Dot or Rat Whisker
HWC Neutral Tint
Sennelier Sap Green
Winsor and Newton Perylene Green
Note: You can substitute any of the colors with what you have.
You can also use Marie's watercolor
Supplies are available at nanraestudio.com/supplies
For colors, you can purchase on Amazon or dickblick.com

hosted by

Nan Rae Studio
