Knative Vert.x Microservices on Red Hat OpenShift

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Knative Vert.x Microservices on Red Hat OpenShift

By IBM Developer

Join IBM Developer Advocates Mary Grygleski and Dave Nugent as they dive into creating Knative Vert.x Microservices on Red Hat OpenShift
🎓 What will you learn?
In this tutorial in the Build Smart on Kubernetes World Tour series, you learn how to deploy and consume ready-to-use deep learning microservices on Red Hat® OpenShift® on IBM Cloud.
👩‍💻 Who should attend? Developers and those interested in DevOps, IT, containers and application deployment.
🎙️ Speakers
Mary Grygleski, IBM Developer Advocate in Chicago
Dave Nugent, IBM Developer Advocate in San Francisco

hosted by

IBM Developer

IBM Developer


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