Blockchain Regulation: How to Innovate in Massachusetts

Boston Blockchain

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Blockchain Regulation: How to Innovate in Massachusetts

By Boston Blockchain

An undefined and disparate regulatory landscape proves one of the greatest obstacles blockchain companies must overcome to succeed. In order to effectively innovate, these ground rules need to be clear for all participants involved. In the last couple years there has been ever evolving clarity, but startups still encounter contradictory and unclear guidance.
This panel brings together entrepreneurs who have faced regulation head on and the policy makers and advisors helping set these ground rules. Discussions will include impacts on how startups innovate, clarifying the concerns of regulators, and how Massachusetts can be best poised to lead in 2020.
  • 6:30 Welcome and panel
  • 7:15 Audience Q&A
  • Carol Van Cleef is Chair of the Blockchain and Digital Assets Team at the law firm Bradley Arant Boult Cummings in Washington, D.C. With a focus on regulatory, compliance, and enforcement matters, Ms. Van Cleef is globally recognized as a leading attorney with fintech companies, blockchain developers, virtual currency exchanges and other business ventures, including securities firms, insurance companies, and money services businesses.
  • Damon Cox is Assistant Secretary for Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Recently, Damon oversaw The Boston Foundation’s economic development portfolio of investments in workforce development, innovation, and economic mobility. His leadership provides capital and technical assistance to aspiring entrepreneurs in Boston.
  • Nick Emmons is CEO of Upshot, a blockchain company based in New York. Upshot is currently developing a decentralized hedging protocol based on a novel oracle design. Nick previously led blockchain engineering at John Hancock & Manulife and played a role in shaping the company’s regulatory viewpoint as it pertains to public blockchains and cryptocurrency.
  • Corbin Pon (moderator) is the cofounder of Thesis, a venture production studio focusing on cryptocurrency and blockchain projects. Corbin has been a software developer and entrepreneur for over 10 years. Previous to his blockchain work, Corbin cofounded an expert network search engine company, and worked in Defense, with a focus on geospatial intelligence products.
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