Jakarta MVC - The Specification that Never Dies

Eclipse Foundation

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Jakarta MVC - The Specification that Never Dies

By Eclipse Foundation

Speaker: Ivar Grimstad
When JSR 371 was dropped from the scope of Java EE, Oracle made the decision to allow the Community to finalize the specification. It quickly became known as the "Community JSR" and the slogan "@Controller to the Community" grew out of it. When all the Java EE 8 specifications where transferred to Eclipse Foundation and Jakarta EE, MVC was once again left behind. We managed to release MVC 1.0 through the JCP and has since moved over to Jakarta EE as well. And we are on our way to release Jakarta MVC 1.1 through the Jakarta EE Specification Process. Maybe it is time for a new slogan? "The Specification that Never Dies!"? In this talk, I will take you through this journey and show all aspects of the MVC in code. You don't want to miss this!

hosted by

Eclipse Foundation


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