Jakarta NoSQL: One API to Many NoSQL Databases into Cloud Native Age

Eclipse Foundation

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Jakarta NoSQL: One API to Many NoSQL Databases into Cloud Native Age

By Eclipse Foundation

We are happy to announce that Otavio Santana will be our special guest for this month's meeting.
The next generation Database Management Systems do their best to be non-relational, distributed, open-source, and horizontally scalable. These banks are very easy and make any software engineer's job more comfortable, but the number of NoSQL databases are enormous!
There are currently about three hundred non-relational databases, and that number keeps growing. The first question is: how to deal with so many databases? After all, there are several issues with this; there's a learning curve for each new API, not to mention the impact of vendor lock-in.
Learn more about Jakarta NoSQL, an emerging Jakarta EE specification that makes your life more comfortable to use NoSQL with Java at cloud-native age.

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Eclipse Foundation


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