Katherine Addison and Jo Walton in conversation
By Macmillan Publishers
Join Katherine Addison and Jo Walton for a discussion with two beloved and acclaimed authors of speculative fiction hosted by A Room of Own's Bookstore!
From Katherine Addison , the acclaimed author of modern fantasy classic The Goblin Emperor, comes a new standalone fantasy novel.The Angel of the Crows introduces an alternate 1880s London where angels inhabit every public building, vampires and werewolves walk the streets with human beings – and Jack the Ripper stalks the night. An unlikely friendship springs up between Dr. Doyle, an injured war veteran, and the Angel of the Crows in this rich, gorgeous novel about finding and creating one’s own identity.
Or What You Will is an utterly original novel about how stories are brought forth from Hugo, Nebula, and World Fantasy Award-winning author Jo Walton. He has been a scholar, a warrior, a lover, and a thief. He has been dream and dreamer. But “he” is in fact nothing more than a spark of idea, a character in the mind of Sylvia Harrison, 73, award-winning author of thirty novels over forty years. But Sylvia won't live forever and when she dies, so will he. Now Sylvia is starting a new novel and he has an idea how both of them can live forever.
Order both books from A Room of One's Own Bookstore here: https://www.roomofonesown.com/book/9781250308993 and here: https://www.roomofonesown.com/book/9780765387394
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Macmillan Publishers