How to Build Your Business on IBM Cloud
By IBM Developer
🌟 You have thought about leveraging Cloud to make your web or mobile application more attractive through usage of social networks, AI services, storage, databases, Machine Learning and other services. But you stopped at just the idea, since you didn't have a good understaing of available cloud services. How to start such a journey, and build a business on IBM Cloud? This webinar will show you how to start with a free IBM Cloud account, do initial prototyping, run first applications and expand it to a solid - enterprise grade deployment.
🎓 During this webinar you will learn:
- How to use IBM Cloud
- How to start with free IBM Cloud services
- How to consume AI services based on the IBM Watson
- What it takes to do Cloud Native computing
Sounds interesting - join us!
🎙 Speakers
Lennart Frantzell, IBM Developer Advocate
Marek Sadowski, IBM Developer Advocate
hosted by

IBM Developer