Hasura GraphQL engine and IBM Serverless

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Hasura GraphQL engine and IBM Serverless

By IBM Developer

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Calling all GraphQL enthusiasts!
In the last session with IBM Developer SF and Hasura, you learned the what, why and how of GraphQL and got a teaser of Apache OpenWhisk - a distributed Serverless computing platform.
In this session, we dive into the intricacies of Serverless.
We will focus on:
- how to leverage the event driven paradigm offered by OpenWhisk and the subscriptions model built into Hasura GraphQL engine
-create a scalable and responsive system
-learn how to build a GraphQL API with Serverless functions and respond to database changes using triggers and feeds
What are you waiting for? Sign up NOW!
Speaker Bio:
Tanmai Gopal, co-founder of hasura.io.
He is a StackOverflow powered fullstack, polyglot developer whose areas of interest and work include react, GraphQL, Nodejs, Python, Haskell, Docker, postgres, Kubernetes. He is an instructor at imad.tech, India's largest MOOC with over 250,000 students.
Upkar Lidder, Developer Advocate IBM
Upkar Lidder is a Full Stack Developer and Data Wrangler with a decade of development experience in a variety of roles. He can be seen speaking at various conferences and participating in local tech groups and meetups. He is currently curious about magic behind Machine Learning and Deep Learning, specifically use of NLP in chatbots. Upkar went to graduate school in Canada and currently resides in the United States. You can find him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/lidderupk.

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IBM Developer

IBM Developer


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