Get started with The Weather Company data APIs for Call for Code

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Get started with The Weather Company data APIs for Call for Code

By IBM Developer

🌹Severe and devastating weather is not going away. Solving problems where weather is involved, or more specifically any application that takes into account weather conditions, means we need access to the weather data itself. The Weather Company® has opened some of its Weather Data APIs free of charge to developers who are participating in the Call for Code Global Challenge.
🎓What you will learn:
Join us live on May 27 as Jeff Gawrych, The Weather Company Meteorologist, and John Walicki, IBM Developer Advocate, demo how you can get started with the Weather APIs and add weather data into your innovative climate change solutions.
👩‍💻 Meetup Agenda:
  • Introduction to Call for Code Global Challenge
  • API keys and documentation
  • Demonstrate how to build solutions using TWC APIs
  • Next steps to participate
👋🏻 Who should attend?
This IBM Developer event is open to everyone, and we encourage everyone to join the conversation. When we all have empathy for others, we can build amazing things that benefit everyone.

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