Funding Your School Food Garden
By KidsGardening
School food gardens need funding to get started and continue from year to year, and what better way to secure support than through your local community? The people and organizations nearby can be the perfect fit for your garden program. In this webinar, a panel of garden experts will discuss ways to fundraise. From crowdfunding, to securing donations, learn what makes your program attractive to funders. There are many organizations in your community ready to donate seeds, soil, tools, and even food for educational classes. Join us to learn how to fundraise and secure donations locally.
Agenda (60 min.)
4 pm (ET) Welcome & Introductions
4:10pm (ET) Panel Section 1, Community Partners and Donations
4:30pm (ET) Panel Section 2: Fundraisers, Crowdfunding, and Sponsorships
4:50pm (ET) Q&A
The recording will be available here on Crowdcast indefinitely for anyone registered for the event.
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Registered attendees will be entered to win a copy of "Growing Food!"
You'll also have another opportunity to win the book by participating in a discussion in the Kids Garden Community (details will be announced during the event).
Roger Doiron, Founder & Director, SeedMoneyđź“·
Roger Doiron is the founder and director of SeedMoney, a Maine-based nonprofit network helping food garden projects to thrive. Since 2015, SeedMoney has provided financial support to over 2000 school and community gardens in all 50 US states and over 40 countries through small challenge grants and free crowdfunding services. Roger has also worked as a freelance writer whose articles on food and gardening have appeared in the Chicago Tribune, Christian Science Monitor, Organic Gardening magazine, Mother Earth News, and Saveur. Roger is best known for having led the successful online campaign to urge the Obamas to replant a vegetable garden at the White House. That campaign was featured in the New York Times, Washington Post, BBC, and hundreds of other media outlets. Roger's work on the White House garden campaign also earned him the “Heart of Green” award, the Garden Crusader Award, recognition as one of the country’s top five “Green Game Changers“ by the editors of the Huffington Post and one of the ”10 Most Inspiring People in Sustainable Food“ by the editors of Fast Company magazine.
Sonya Harris, The Bullock Garden Project, and Board Member, KidsGardening Board
📷Born and raised in South Jersey, Sonya Harris is a former special education teacher with over 20 years of classroom experience. As an educator, Sonya believes in taking learning beyond the four walls of the classroom and spearheaded the award-winning Bullock Children’s Garden at the Dorothy L. Bullock Elementary School in Glassboro, NJ. The garden serves to assist in teaching across the curriculum through garden education while providing fresh, organic produce to the local low-income community & helping reduce the impact of the food desert in which the school is located. She loves spending time gardening with children and teaching others how to grow healthy food at home. She is passionate about helping educators learn the fun and ease of incorporating garden-based education throughout the curriculum.
Sarah Pounders, Senior Education Specialist, KidsGardening
Sarah Pounders is an Education Specialist at KidsGardening and has been helping administer KidsGardening’s various grant programs since 2005. She also has coordinated numerous children’s gardens, written curricula and activities for youth of all ages, taught formal and informal youth education programs, and conducted teacher training sessions on integrating gardens into the classroom. For the last 9 years, she has also served as the parent volunteer garden coordinator and been on the PTO Board at her children’s elementary school, giving her lots of opportunities to pursue funding opportunities for the school’s garden program, helping her understand the funding-searcher perspective too.
Sarah Lane, KidsGardening Program Director
Stay tuned for the last webinar or watch the recordings of this FREE series from Growing School Food Gardens!
1) Feb. 8 - Welcome Webinar
2) March 8 - STEAM in the Garden
3) April 12 - Teaching for Sustainability
4) May 10 - Culturally inclusive Garden-Based Learning
5) June 14 - Funding Your School Food Garden
The Growing School Food Gardens community on the Kids Garden Community is designed to facilitate networking and collaboration among school food garden practitioners and offers:
- Planning tools
- Curriculum resources
- Financing pathways
- Assessment methodologies
- Success stories
- Discussion threads will enable practitioners to interact and leverage their collective strength in tackling shared challenges.
- Regular, expert-moderated group coaching sessions will provide practitioners with structured opportunities to secure answers and assistance in real-time.
Join now!
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