How traditional economics gate keeps access to financial literacy

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How traditional economics gate keeps access to financial literacy

By Zebras Unite

“We’re paid less. We go in and out of the workforce. We live longer. We have fewer dollars but more years [of retirement] to pay for.” –Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz
Women tend to suffer from longer employment gaps, fewer economic opportunities, a larger domestic load and lower earning potential. One way to tackle this is through equipping women with the knowledge and resources to become financially independent whether it's through landing clients, earning income through the digital economy, up-skilling, investing and/or saving.
In this 60-minute event, Zebras Unite Founding Member Sheeza Shah (UpEffect) will lead a live Re-envision Business conversation with Uneesa Zaman (Rizq Comms) to discuss the current economic landscape and the steps needed to move this from concept to reality for women around the world.
Uneesa Zaman is an experienced financial literacy facilitator, specialising in the advancement of women's financial education and consulting ethical fintechs globally through her consultancy, Rizq Comms. Uneesa has worked with global organisations, including the World Economic Forum and the UN to increase financial awareness amongst various underserved groups, and has featured in Amaliah, The Times and Financial Times.

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Zebras Unite

Zebras Unite


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