Festival of Ideas: Michael Barber, What is the Blueprint For Achieving Challenging and Ambitious Goals?

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Festival of Ideas: Michael Barber, What is the Blueprint For Achieving Challenging and Ambitious Goals?

By Bristol Ideas

Michael Barber shares the wisdom he has gained from helping large, complex organisations and elite athletes achieve their ambitions.
There is no secret formula for success. But what if there were a pattern you could follow? A way of mapping the route and navigating the obstacles that arise?
Drawing on the stories of historic visionaries and modern heroes – from Galileo to Rosa Parks, Gareth Southgate to Justin Trudeau – Barber blends personal anecdote and proven strategy to trace a blueprint that can be applied to any area of personal life. And once this is achieved, it can be applied to changing the world for the better, too.
In conversation with Bristol Ideas director Andrew Kelly.
Michael Barber’s Accomplishmentis published by Allen Lane. Buy a copy from Waterstones, our bookselling partner.
It’s important to us that ideas and debate are affordable to everyone. It’s also important that our commentators, artists, writers, poets and thinkers are paid. This is a Pay What You Can event. You are invited to choose your own contribution to the event, from £0 to £8. All proceeds go towards supporting our speakers and sustaining Festival of Ideas. The option to attend for free is available for all online events.
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Image credit: Anja Barber

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Bristol Ideas

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