Fantastic YA Anniversaries

Books of Wonder

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Fantastic YA Anniversaries

By Books of Wonder

Come celebrate the anniversaries of some of the most ground-breaking and beloved YA fantasies of the last 25 years! It's hard to believe, but it's already been 25 years since the publication of Sabriel and The Thief, 15 years since the publication of Terrier, and 10 since the publication of Daughter of Smoke and Bone!
Books of Wonder is thrilled to be hosting fantasy superstars GARTH NIX, TAMORA PIERCE, MEGAN WHALEN TURNER, and LAINI TAYLOR as they celebrate the enduring success of their incredible novels!
As part of the event, we are thrilled to be offering limited-edition 11x18 maps of the world of MEGAN WHALEN TURNER'S The Thief!

hosted by

Books of Wonder


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