Extract insights from videos

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Extract insights from videos

By IBM Developer

🌟 Overview
learn how to extract speaker diarized notes and meaningful insights reports using IBM® Watson™ Speech To Text, Watson Natural Language Processing, and Watson Tone Analysis when given any video.
🎓 What will you learn?
*Use the Watson Speech to Text service to convert the human voice into the written word.
*Use advanced natural language processing to analyze text and extract metadata from content such as concepts, entities, keywords, categories, sentiment, and emotion.
*Leverage Watson Tone Analyzer cognitive linguistic analysis to identify a variety of tones at both the sentence and document level.
👩‍💻 Who should attend?
Developers who are interested in AI and Watson APIs.
👩‍🏫 Prerequisites
☁ Register for a free IBM Cloud Account:https://ibm.biz/BdqNgw prior to the event to get the most out of our workshop.
☁ Confirm your account using code sent to your email
🎙️ Speakers
Mostafa Abdelaleem, IBM Developer Advocate, Egypt - https://developer.ibm.com/profiles/Mostafa.Abdelaleem/

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IBM Developer

IBM Developer


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