"Magical Nerds in Fantasy Worlds" with Erin M. Evans and Davinia Evans

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"Magical Nerds in Fantasy Worlds" with Erin M. Evans and Davinia Evans

By Orbit LIVE!

Sorcerer librarians! Book-loving wizards! The characters in these fantasy series are just as obsessed with books as we are. Join authors Erin M. Evans and Davinia Evans while they discuss their debut books and all the magical nerds in them. Plus, they'll also be taking your questions throughout the event.
Erin M. Evans is the author of Empire of Exiles, an epic fantasy about a bunch of magical professional nerds in locked room mystery that they have to solve in order to save the empire. Erin is the author of seven Forgotten Realms novels for Wizards of the Coast, including Brimstone Angels. Empire of Exiles, her debut original novel, releases on November 8.
Davinia Evans is the author of Notorious Sorcerer, a plane-hopping fantasy where a scrappy, book-loving wizard has to figure out an impossible magical working ... and maybe also save the city. Davinia lives in Australia, is a long-time fantasy reader, and has an honours thesis in political strategy. Notorious Sorcerer, her debut novel, is available now.
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